Historic Building Recording and Survey

Granta Heritage provides historic building records to levels recommended by Historic England’s criteria levels 1 to 4.

Historic Building Recording (HBR) involves compiling a complete record of a building’s construction and over time, highlighting and recording features of historic and architectural interest.  They are often carried out in advance of developments involving Listed Buildings or buildings within Conservation Areas, although they may also be conducted on behalf of private clients who wish to know more about the history of their own homes.  Experienced buildings archaeologists carefully illustrate and photograph the structure’s surviving physical fabric and conduct cartographic and documentary research into its history.  A comprehensive report is then produced for the client, which can be used to inform planning decisions.

Granta Heritage can guide you through this process and provide survey at whatever level of detail is needed. Our experience ranges from churches, to urban and rural vernacular buildings, railway and WWII structures.


  • Historic Building Recording
  • Historic Building Surveys
  • Historic Building Assessments
  • Heritage Impact Assessments
  • Stand-alone Reports or as part of a programme of work